Tag: stimpaks

Where to find/farm Stimpaks in Fallout 76

Here is a list of places to find/farm stimpaks in Fallout 76: Medical Bay in the Whitespring Bunker Watoga Municipal Center Morgantown Airport The Burrows The Whitespring Golf Club Appalachian Antiques Stimpaks can also be found as loot in containers, such as safes and lockers. They can also be dropped […]

Where to find Common Chems in Fallout 76 – Map

Looking to make some easy caps collecting common chems that are found throughout the wasteland? The map above provides the locations for the following common chems; Stimpak Prewar Chems Psycho Buffout Mentats RadX Radaway I say that you can make easy caps because you can either sell the chems at […]