Here are some places where you can find dog food in Fallout 76:
- Southwest of Mama Dolce’s Food Processing: There are four cans of dog food that can be reliably found on the backyard porch of a house in front of a Whitespring Resort bus, and another one on the house next to it close to the stairs next to a dog house.
- East of Mount Blair Trainyard: There are two cans of dog food that can be reliably found on a green train car with labelled white USA letters.
- Underpass near Charleston Landfill: There is one can of dog food that can be reliably found in a shopping cart next to a sleeping bag on a underpass beneath the railroad intersection northwest of Charleston landfill.
- Burning barrel next to a cultist effigy north of 98 NAR Regional: There is one can of dog food that can be reliably found on top of a burning barrel next to a cultist effigy north of 98 NAR Regional.
- Wooden boat south of Grafton Dam: There is one can of dog food that can be reliably found south of Grafton Dam, on a wooden boat.
- Random loot boxes and fridges: You can also find dog food in random loot boxes and fridges throughout the world.
- Mama Dolce’s Food Processing: There is a chance to spawn dog food at Mama Dolce’s Food Processing.
- The Whitespring Golf Club: There is a chance to spawn dog food at the Whitespring Golf Club.
- The food court northeast of Watoga Shopping Plaza: There is a chance to spawn dog food at the food court northeast of Watoga Shopping Plaza.
- The food court on top of Watoga Estates: There is a chance to spawn dog food at the food court on top of Watoga Estates.
- Sons of Dane compound’s main hall: There is a chance to spawn dog food at Sons of Dane compound’s main hall.
You can also use the perk Can Do! to find dog food. This perk will highlight all food items in the world, including dog food.
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