Razorgrain is a common plant in Fallout 76 that can be found in a variety of locations. Some of the best places to find razorgrain include:
- Billings Homestead: This location in the Savage Divide is home to a large field of razorgrain that can be easily farmed.
- Sunday Brothers’ Cabin: This location in the Savage Divide also has a few razorgrain plants.
- Anchor Farm: This location in the Forest has a few razorgrain plants.
- Cobbleton Farm: This location in the Forest also has a few razorgrain plants.
- Northwest of Morgantown Airport: There is a small field of razorgrain plants just northwest of Morgantown Airport.
- Southwest of Big Al’s Tattoo Parlor: There is a small field of razorgrain plants just southwest of Big Al’s Tattoo Parlor.
In addition to these locations, razorgrain can also be found in a variety of other areas throughout Appalachia. If you’re looking for razorgrain, be sure to keep an eye out for it in fields, meadows, and near bodies of water.
Here are some tips for finding razorgrain in Fallout 76:
- Use the Green Thumb perk: This perk will double the amount of razorgrain you harvest.
- Use a combat knife: This weapon will allow you to harvest razorgrain without damaging the plant, so you can harvest it again later.
- Be patient: Razorgrain can be a bit difficult to find, so it may take some time to locate a good source.

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