Thistle is used in recipes for various food items, teas, and chems, making it a useful resource to gather during your adventures in Fallout 76. Thistle can be found at these locations in Fallout 76.
- Wavy Willard’s Water Park: Look around the park’s middle area and near the giant plastic crocodile for Thistle plants.
- Willard Corporate Housing: Search both inside the house itself and the northwest area surrounding the buildings.
Here are a few videos to check out when you’re searching for Thistle locations in Fallout 76:
- Got Thistle? Thistle Location Guide | Fallout 76 – Video
- Where to find Thistle – Video
- Fallout 76: Thistle Locations – Video
- How to find Irradiated Thistle location in Fallout 76 – Video

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