Month: March 2023

Where to find/farm Stimpaks in Fallout 76

Here is a list of places to find/farm stimpaks in Fallout 76: Medical Bay in the Whitespring Bunker Watoga Municipal Center Morgantown Airport The Burrows The Whitespring Golf Club Appalachian Antiques Stimpaks can also be found as loot in containers, such as safes and lockers. They can also be dropped […]

Where to find Gold locations/items in Fallout 76

Here is a list of Fallout 76 gold locations: Appalachian Antiques Located in the Savage Divide region, Appalachian Antiques is a great place to find gold. The building is filled with gold-plated objects, such as watches, lighters, and even a gold-plated toilet. The Burrows The Burrows is a large, underground […]

Locations where to find/farm Floaters in Fallout 76

photo: credits Are you looking to farm floaters in Fallout 76? Then you’ll want to consider checking out these locations and events to find an abundant amount of floaters in the Appalachia wasteland. The floaters were introduced into Fallout 76 through the Wastelanders update. Locations to find the Floaters: Solomon’s […]

Locations where to find/farm Snallygaster in Fallout 76

photo: credits Are you looking to farm Snallygaster in Fallout 76? Are you looking for locations or various events where the Snallygaster spawn? Then consider checking out the provided information to find Snallygaster. Locations and events where the Snallygaster spawn: Flooded Trainyard Toxic Larry’s Meat ‘n Go Federal Disposal Field […]

Where to find/locate the Grafton Monster in Fallout 76

Are you looking to farm oil or related scrap from the Grafton Monster? Then you’ll want to start looking for the Grafton Monster at the provided locations below. In addition, to the locations you’ll see the following variations of the Grafton Monster. Events & Locations of the Grafton Monster: Near […]

Where to find/locate a Sheepsquatch in Fallout 76

sheepsquatch fallout 76

photo: credits So they recently started to add the weekly challenge that makes you search for a Sheepsquatch in the Appalachia. Well if you’re searching for the location of a Sheepsquatch then you’ll want to consider going to these locations or participate in these events! Locations where the Sheepsquatch spawns: […]

Locations where to find/farm Rubber in Fallout 76

So there is either a daily quest for rubber scrap items or you’re in the need for rubber scrap materials in Fallout 76. If you’re looking for rubber then you’ll want to consider searching for the following items: All-Star basketball Baby bottles Basketball Bonesaw Bulk rubber Coolant Deflated kickball Extinguisher […]

List of Unique Random Encounter Event Plans – Fallout 76

Are you looking to collect some random encounter plans in Fallout 76 that you may not have? Well consider searching for the following events to find some rare plans. Searching for the random encounter events is a great thing to do when you’re done with the daily and weekly challenges. […]