Here are the steps on how to join events in Fallout 76:
- Open the map.
- Look for the yellow hexagons, which indicate public events.
- If you are close enough to an event, you will see a notification pop up on your screen.
- To join the event, simply click on the hexagon.
- Alternatively, you can also join events through the Pip-Boy. Open the Pip-Boy and go to the “Events” tab. This will show you a list of all the active events in the world. You can join an event by clicking on it.
- Once you’ve joined an event, you’ll be automatically grouped with other players who have also joined the event.
- You’ll all work together to complete the event and earn rewards.
Here are some tips for joining events:
- Be aware of the level of the event. Some events are designed for high-level players, while others are designed for low-level players. Make sure you’re not joining an event that’s too difficult for you.
- Bring the right weapons and armor. Some events require specific weapons or armor to complete. Make sure you’re prepared before you join an event.
- Be a team player. Events are more fun and rewarding when you work together with other players. Help out your teammates and they’ll help you out.

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