The Fallout 76 Seasons is getting an upgrade, and Rip Daring is taking on the Devil in Season 16! Fallout 76 is updating from a scoreboard to a Seasons Pass system – featuring pages and tickets, allowing you more flexibility in claiming rewards. You’ll continue to earn S.C.O.R.E. and rank up by completing daily and weekly challenges (the same as before)! As you earn ranks, you will unlock more Season Pages.
Head on over to Amazon and get a deal on the Atom Shop items by grabbing 4000 (+1000 Bonus) Atoms!
Where to find Disease Cure / Healing Salve in Fallout 76 - Map
Vintage Fallout Game - Jigsaw Puzzles
Where is Vault 63 in Fallout 76?
Where to find/farm Springs in Fallout 76
Where to find Deathclaw Eggs in Fallout 76?
How to Build a Deadly Trap CAMP in Fallout 76
What type of Deathclaws are in Fallout 76?
Where to find/farm Ultracite in Fallout 76